October 19, 2023 – TABI Announcements

This is our annual event where we raise money to provide food for those spending the holidays in temporary housing and shelters.  
Typically, we recommend a donation of $35.00 per basket, but as you know, the prices for food have skyrocketed so please consider donating what you can. All of the money we raise goes to our partner agencies who have come to count on our baskets each year. 
To make a contribution, please go to the TABI website or make your check payable to TABI and send it to Penny in the office. Thanks!!

Library Revitalization Project: The TABI Board and Library Committee, along with the expert assistance of member and museum curator Tory Schendel-Vyoda, plan to revitalize the library with several exciting changes.  On Sunday, October 22 at 10:00 AM to Noon we are having a short introduction meeting followed by moving some materials into the archive room and some other tasks if time permits. If you are interested in helping on Sunday or joining in for other ongoing projects related to the library, please contact Caitlin Haskins. 
TABI is excited to announce the restarting of the Women’s Torah study beginning at the beginning with B’reishit. Join fellow congregants as we bring the women of the Torah into the limelight and bring women’s perspectives into the interpretation of our sacred text.  These “lay lead” study sessions will be held before Saturday morning services, allowing us to bring new perspectives and enriching the discussions during regular Shabbat services.  
Save the Dates: More Information to Follow
November 4: Vayeria
December 2:  Vayishlasch
Jan 6:  Sh’mot (Beginning Exodus)
Feb 3: Yitro
March 2:  Ki Tisa
April 6:  Sh’mini
May 4:  Acharei Mot
Thank you to those who have helped restock the grocery and gas cards for our Give One Take One program. We always can use more, so please think of those who are in the need the next time you go to the store or the gas station and perhaps pick up one $20.00 card to donate. The baskets are located on the wall next to the Rabbi’s office.

For the past many years, our worship has been streaming on LiveStream. Each week, a link is created and sent out via email and our “channel” is also accessible via our website. Livestream and Vimeo have merged and they are doing away with “basic” plans like ours. The cost to continue our service is
now prohibitive.
For the foreseeable future, our service will now stream on the TABI Facebook
page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064549665595 

Looking to learn or brush up on your Hebrew?   
Call Michal
Private Hebrew Lessons