TABI Announcements – 10/18/2024


Erev Sukkot
Wednesday, October 16                  6:00P.M. Family Dinner in the Sukkah

Thursday, October 17                      8:00A.M. Festival/Shabbat Morning Service

Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah Celebration
Wednesday, October 23                  6:30P.M. Evening Service

Simchat Torah/Shemini Atzeret & Yizcor
Thursday, October 24                      8:00 A.M. Festival/Shabbat Morning
                                                                       Service and Yizkor

Weekly Announcements

In an effort to reduce unnecessary printing costs, the 2024 Yizkor Memorial Book can be accessed online here.

TABI Thanksgiving Baskets
It’s that time of year again! Our Congregation raises money to purchase Thanksgiving Food Baskets for those spending the holidays in temporary housing. Last year we raised enough money to donate 103 baskets to the YWCA, Albion Fellows Bacon, House of Bread & Peace, Ruth’s House, Aurora, and Tri-State Food Bank. Typically, we recommend a $35 donation per basket, but as you know, the price of food has skyrocketed, so please consider donating what you can. All the money goes directly to our partner agencies who have come to count on our baskets.

To make a contribution, please go to the TABI website here ​​​​​​​ or send a check payable to TABI to the office at PO Box 5265, Evansville, IN 47716

In these uncertain times, it’s good to remember that we can often find comfort by reaching out and helping others.

United Caring Services Food and Supplies Drive
Please remember to return your full shopping bags to TABI before Sunday, October 20. And “Thank you” to all who have already dropped off their donations!

Sacred Arts Workshops

If you are interested in helping to revive the Sacred Arts workshops, please contact Elissa as soon as possible. She’ll be setting up an planning meeting for the upcoming year’s activities in the very near future.

Women’s Torah Study
If you are interested in participating in the Women’s Torah study, please contact Elissa as soon as possible as we start the planning for the new year.  Watch the announements for kick-off details.

TABI Heritage Map Project is underway!
Where were you born? Are you an Evansville native or a transplant?
Did your grandparents immigrate from another country?
Help us map our collective ancestry by filling out a simple form on our website We will collect the data and everyone who submits their family history will be represented by pins in beautiful maps that will hang at TABI as a part of our Library Archive Project. Learn more here or contact Ed Scharf ( with any questions.

TABI Birthdays celebrated this week:

Sondra Cibull    10/20
Joy Pajdo          10/22