Weekly Announcements
February 27, 2025

“Tangled up in Jews” – A Very Dylan Purim
Sunday March 9, 2025
Purim Spiel @ 10:00 AM
Followed by Purim Carnival
Games, Food and Fun!
Pizza will be provided and we ask that everyone
please bring a side dish or a dessert.
Last name A-M Side Dish
Last name N-Z Dessert
Suggested Tzedakah Donation in addition:
$3.00 for Adults
$2.00 for Children
Lawyers Without Rights- UPDATE
Michael H. Rubin
“Fearless Lawyers, Unpopular Clients
and the Concept of Justice ”
March 11, 2025
Noon – 4:15P.M.
Evansville Wartime Museum
7503 Petersburg Rd, Evansville, IN 47725
(Note: this is a lunch and afternoon event that is open to congregants. Michael Rubin will be speaking at 2:15P.M.)
Michael Rubin an attorney and member of the United Jewish Congregation of Baton Rouge, LA will be giving a presentation on March 11, 2025 at the Evansville Wartime Museum. The event is a multi-media presentation focusing on the uncomfortable parallels between what happened to “justice” and Jewish lawyers and judges during thte Nazi regime and what happened in the Deep South before the Civil War. This is in conjucntion with the American Bar Association’s exhibit at the Museum about the loss of rights in Nazi Germany and the role of Jewish lawyers.
Volunteer Opportunity
The immigration welcome and resource Center is looking for volunteers this Saturday, any time from 10 am until 2pm, to help at an event. Please see the informational flyer attached below for more information. Please contact Kate Murray if you are able to volunteer your time with this awesome resource in our community! Thank you in advance for your consideration with this mitzvah!

TABI Women’s Torah Study and Tea
TABI Women’s Torah and Tea: Select Sundays at 10:30A.M.
Come join TABI Women on select Sundays as we come together to study Torah (and more) on the Sundays when Religious School is in session. Mark your calendars for the next sessions:
Feb 23
March 2
March 9
April 6
April 27
May 4
Sacred Arts
Sacred Arts Sunday, March 23 at noon
Calling all crafty TABI members! On Sunday, March 23 at noon, the Sacred Arts committee will have the first workshop of the year. We are influenced by Miriam’s dancing and singing in celebration of leaving Egypt and we will be creating our own beautiful personalized timbrels to celebrate with at this year’s Passover Seder.
If you’d like to join in the fun please RSVP to the TABI office by March 9th and include $15 per participant to cover the cost of materials. We look forward to seeing seeing you!
TABI Heritage Map Project
TABI Heritage Map Project is underway!
Where were you born? Are you an Evansville native or a transplant?
Did your grandparents immigrate from another country?
Help us map our collective ancestry by filling out a simple form on our website https://templeabi.org/tabi-heritage-map. We will collect the data and everyone who submits their family history will be represented by pins in beautiful maps that will hang at TABI as a part of our Library Archive Project. Learn more here or contact Ed Scharf with any questions.
TABI Birthdays celebrated this week:
Thomas Bakke 3/4
Karen Tannenbaum 3/5