August 31, 2023 – TABI Announcements

Selichot with Rick and Elisa Recht:
Rick and Elisa Recht will be with us for Selichot weekend once again this year for a full weekend of exciting and inspirational programming. Click here for more information

Saturday, September 9 
6:30 P.M. Program with Rick and Elisa Recht
Erev Rosh Hashanah
Friday, September 15                  
6:30 P.M. Service with Oneg to follow

1st Day Rosh Hashanah
Saturday, September 16                           
10:00 A.M. Morning Service
12:00 P.M. Tashlich at TABI
2nd Day Rosh Hashanah
Sunday, September 17
10:00 A.M. Morning Service

Shabbat Teshuvah: The Sabbath of Repentance  
Friday, September 22
6:30 P.M. Shabbat Service
Saturday, September 23
10:00 A.M. Shabbat Service 
Cemetery Services
Sunday, September 24 
10:00 A.M. Rose Hill Cemetery
10:45 A.M. Mt. Carmel Cemetery               
Kol Nidre – Erev Yom Kippur
Sunday, September 24                 
6:30 P.M. Kol Nidre Service

Yom Kippur
Monday, September 25 
10:00 A.M. Morning Service
12:00 P.M. Study Session in Library
 3:30 P.M.  Afternoon Service

5:30 P.M. Yizkor (Memorial) Service (approximate time)  
 6:00 P.M. Neilah Service (approximate time) 
 6:45 P.M. Shofar/Havdalah with Break-the-Fast to follow

Erev Sukkot
Friday, September 29 
6:00 P.M. Family Dinner and Shabbat in the Sukkah

Saturday, September 30 
10:00 A.M. Festival/Shabbat Morning Service

Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah Celebration
Friday, October 6
6:30 P.M. Evening Service
Simchat Torah/Shemini Atzeret & Yizcor
Saturday, October 7 
10:00 A.M. Festival/Shabbat Morning Service and Yizkor

Yizkor Book of Remembrance
High Holidays are approaching fast, we would like to remind you that Yom Kippur is September 25th. As our tradition, we are again providing an opportunity for remembrance of our loved ones. However, this year we will be providing a high quality virtual memorial book that will be emailed and available on our website. Click here for the Yizkor Book Participation form. 
Break the Fast
Break the Fast is Monday, September 25th after the Yom Kippur Service. Click here for more information.
Please also mark your calendars for Monday, September 18th!  We will meet at 5:15pm at Comfort downtown for dinner followed by Margaret McMullan giving the second annual Rechnic Holocaust Lecture at USI, “My Family’s Holocaust Story and the Threat We Face Today.” She is a dynamic speaker and there will be a reception immediately following. The lecture is free of charge.  You may RSVP to Kimberly Key for this event as well by August 31st. If you have younger children, please note if you would like babysitting services for that evening. Please note that we request donations for the babysitter.  
Should anyone need assistance with transportation, please include that request with your RSVP for either event. 
Thank you to Carol Abrams who suggested these wonderful events! Please always feel free to reach out to any member of the Social Committee if you have an idea we can explore.     

Thank you to those who have helped restock the grocery and gas cards for our Give One Take One program. We always can use more, so please think of those who are in the need the next time you go to the store or the gas station and perhaps pick up one $20.00 card to donate. The baskets are located on the wall next to the Rabbi’s office.
For the past many years, our worship has been streaming on LiveStream. Each week, a link is created and sent out via email and our “channel” is also accessible via our website. Livestream and Vimeo have merged, and they are doing away with “basic” plans like ours. The cost to continue our service is
now prohibitive. For the foreseeable future, our service will now stream on the TABI Facebook